Pow Pow! ::gun noiseeeees:: Boom! Pew Pew!
Sit back and listen to some patriotic music as we prepare to take you through some interesting histories and laws of guns from a know-nothing and a know-some-stuffer. Guns are a powerful tool for defense and entertainment, but come with a heavy burden of ensuring we all use them responsibly. So pay attention, and maybe you'll learn something - like we did!
Disclaimer: Before anyone gets mad at our OPINION, let us make clear we are supporters of the 2nd Amendment. But I think we can all agree that the 1st Amendment is even more important, right? They wouldn't have put it 1st in the rankings if it wasn't the best, soooo, keep that in mind. Let's hear it for the 1st Amendment! Hear Hear! Three Cheers for 1A! For he's a jolly good fellow...
We cool? We cool.